Sunday, January 5, 2014


First of all, i would like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR :) (i know it's kind of late ( ´ ` ) )
so, as you can see ... there's a bit of differences in my blog , yeah i change my template, cause i thought the old one is doesn't really suit me anymore
I try to become more mature, so yaahh ... here it is (But, maybe i will change it again lol)

It's been a long time since my last post, a lot of things happen ... a good and a bad one ...
But, i will give you the good one :)
This is about my assignment for the last exam,the course called mobile technology.We got an assignment to make an application for android (1 group consisting of 2 people), automatically i was with Nadya (hehe) and we both agree to made an application about How to Mix and Match your Dress
and the app called "Match The Dress"
Basically, this application is about a how to choose a good dress (in my opinion), there's a tips too (but we made an app with Bahasa Indonesia) and now i will show you a little bit of my picture >.<

The icon by Nadya

i'm not gonna post a lot of my pic here....
Cause it's for another POST ! :) LOL
so i hope to see all of you again in the next post and ...

ps : please bear with my English (i'm not really good with it, so i will try my best in the future)

"I'm a minimalist. 
I don't really need much to enjoy a good holiday
 - just my family and the bare essentials."
-Jean Reno


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