Thursday, May 23, 2013


Hi everyone, this is really ... really a late post :(
So i want to tell you a little bit about what happened with me around this month 
i'm sick about one week and then a horrible thing happend
The First one is, about a week ago ... my pencil case being stolen , but i put my iphone there .. so my iphone being stolen too! :(  to be honest, this is the first time i lost my phone, so i really don't know what to do ... i feel upset but mad at the same time ... Hope God has a better plan for me and for the "thief". Amen.

The second is ...
18 May ago is my sister Boyfriend Birthday, so we have a plan to surprise him!
We're going to his house at 8 o'clock in the morning when he still sleep and we gonna give him a little 'present'
With a chicken hair :) and a ball of newspaper

He really feel annoyed :) but it's really fun to see him

And the next day, we're going to celebrate his birthday again but it's not what we're expected, so we just celebrate his birthday at his car 

The Birthday cake \^^/

The Third is ...
22 May is my friend at college, Nadya Birthday ... 
She really surprised when we give her a cake and also there's a boy who crush on her, their face going red 

Nadya and her crush >.<

The Birthday cake :)

A little piece of word from friends 

There always be a happy and sad side in a life ... i choose to be enjoy every moment even when it worse, but i only a human ... i felt really sad sometimes but i hope everything going to be better ...

Thank you so much for read and i hope all of you be more careful now, especially when you around the strangers. 
See you on the next post :)

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life"

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