Monday, November 26, 2012

Another day ...

This is my new post since my last post and it's been a long time : )
so, there's nothing change in my life .. i'm still busy with my college life,sometimes enjoyed some fun time with my dearest friend,my bro and sis and another stuff~
and this is some of my day experience since  my absence and  i want to share my experience when i and my friend sell noodle for assignment and it's really fun (sorry for my bad :p )
and this is another picture : 

L-R : juwita,me,elys,selly and nadya

This is really "yummy" noodle, my friend Elysia who made it and for your information all the noodle it's sold out (hip hip hurray (/^^)/ ) and it's feel so good and tired at the same time, know how your parents exhausted everyday to work.

So,another time i pick is ... I'm 19th now! and we celebrate my dad's birthday too.. nothing special , just just made a surprise for him 

this is mine
this is my dad's cake
 And another happy day = MY SISTER GRADUATION! i'm so proud of her and i can't wait when my time comes...  and now she's busy with her work (poor her) 

well, this is really a piece of my absence post. There's a lot more thing i want to share .. but, i think i will stop here and i will post another trip or experience. 
Thank for read and see you on the next post 

"Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor. "
Sholom Aleichem 


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