Thursday, May 15, 2014


I want to born,life, and leave without any regret ..
People tend to say that regret always come late, and i must say it is true and now i got it too.
I don't have any word left ... i realize that i write a lot of thing this past few days, i open myself trough my writing.
I realize that i far from perfect .. i lacking a lot in many aspect ...
I really know that sometimes i'm not a good person, sometimes my ego always make a barrier around myself, i attend too attached with my feeling, sometimes i forget that people around me may got hurt with my word.
But sometimes i forget that i'm a ordinary human too .. i want to make a lot of people happy until i remember that me, myself became a victim of my action.
I just realize that Happiness is always be my goal.
You can say it just too lame or poor purpose, but i know .. deep inside my heart, happiness is always the answer from all my problem.
We can passed a lot of problem if we are happy, call me crazy but it how i feel.
I love all of people around me. they so kind ... especially my family and my siblings, i love them dearly with all of my heart, they always be my number one supporter even we're not perfect as a family but they always beside me, and i'm glad that i have them.
I love my best friends, both of them always be on my best and bad  side. They knew everything about me that i didn't even know. they're my truly friends,sisters and other half.
i love my grandma because she's the best woman that i ever met. she's so kind and full of forgiveness. and it's truly an honour to be her granddaughter.

As for my life, i truly regret because i can't have a lot of experience. i always be a coward and over thinking person. so i really want to feel and savour as much as i can. i want to do a lot of thing, i want to express my heart freely. but i just to focus with what other people may think and say about me. So i kind of miss a lot fun thing. I want to make everyone pleased, but i forget that i must make myself pleased first right?

I'm sorry i'm not as perfect as you want me to be ...
I'm sorry i'm not a good person ...
I have a lot of regret, but i can't say it now .. cause regret always come in late.
I'm happy to be life, to be able to see as much as i can, to be able to hear as much as i want ...
I'm sorry i'm such a coward sometimes ....
I'm sorry i can't be a good daughter,sister,friends, granddaughter or niece.
Thank you for all the support,wishes and courage that all of you give to me.
Thank you for all of your love to me ...
But i must leaving someday ...

 i choose to going back,
And i'm going back to HOME : )

With a lot of Love,

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