Friday, March 23, 2012


so, it's already 2012!  and i post on 23 march ... my apologies ...
so let me tell you what i'm doing from january til now (but i don't remember a lot)
in January i'm still holiday and in February went to college again (semester 2) and i felt like going to hell! a lot lot lot of ASSIGNMENT! every day ... even on first day. (ah, forget it)
And it's been a year since my Grandma passed away (i miss her a lot).

and next, i watched Korean drama Heartstring, Princess hour (late) and My princess (late). hahaha. yeah,but i love it :)

from top to bottom : My princess, Heartstring and Princess Hour (Goong)
and i'm fell in love with Jung Yong Hwa (CNblue) from Heartstring oh myyyy <3
i will tell you about this Korean drama on next post.

and i read a lot of novel too ...
Earth by Agnes jessica
This is two of novel i read 
Last week, i went to Jl Surabaya looking for antique stuff. I'm really amazed, but it's too expensive :( so i didn't buy anything. But you should go there if you like old stuff. (i'm sorry i'm not taking a pic).

so, i will stop right here
and i will write again next time :)

"Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment."


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