Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Birthday

Hi ,it's been a long time since my last post!
I'm busy with my college and more worse now!!!! :'( ....

Ok,Today, i want to share about my birthday at 1st September.... (it's already 20th -_-")
I'm 18 now! And i want to say thank you to my sister, her boyfriend and also all of my friends :)
Thanks for all the wishes, birthday cake, present and the surprise ....

it's a birthday cake from my sis and her boy

(left-right) : Willy,ius,hano,nai" and me :)

me and my sis with the present :D

Thank you soooo much guys! You made my day!
But, my Besties Cynthia can't be there. But,thanks for the present :)
Specially thanks to My sis and her boyfriend! i got a camera pocket,bag and birthday cake (◕‿‿◕)づ hug!!!
May God always Bless your kindness. Amen.

"All the world is Birthday Cake, so take a piece, but not too much"
-George Harrison

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