Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mariah Carey - Languishing (the interlude)

If you could only see
That I was not put here for you
To judge me and dispute my inner most truth
And after all these years of enmity, envy and tears
It’s a shame you don’t know me at all

I was wondering
Would you cry for me?
If I told you that I couldn’t breathe
If I was drowning, suffocating
If I told you that I couldn’t breathe
Those ancient buried recollections
We transform them and select them
You have yours, I have mine
That’s fine
While we’re too torn to heal
Our stitch has never disappeared
I have mine, you have yours
I’m sure
I was wondering
Would you reach for me
If you saw that I was languishing
I was wondering would you cry for me
If I told you that I couldn’t breathe
If I was drowning, suffocating
If I told you that I couldn’t breathe

NB : this song to someone that I never forget

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I dedicate my writings to my best friend,Cynthia ...
Pertama,mungkin u pkir g gila karena g nulis ginian d blog .. ^^
But,i write this just for you ..
Kedua,g sama sekali ga tahan karena u akhir" ini berubah jadi bete dan diem mulu sama g n nai" ... g msih inget kata" u yg u blank klo u it udh merasa sama kae we are EX friend ... Yang mau g klarifikasi adalah ..
mungkin emank salah g sm nai" jg sih karena g sm dia ga prnh serink" ke kelas u .. dan bukan salah u juga kalo u agak marah sm kita .. (we are so sorry T_T)
g ma nai" akan coba serink" maen ke kelas u ..
Ketiga,u it sahabat g dari pertama kali g nginjek SMP dan u ga akan pernah ad yang gantiin ..
Keempat,sorrryyyy banggedddd kalo g sm nai" serink banged buad u bete ...
Kelima,just call me or nai",just sent we are messages if you need someone ...
karena,g ga bs bayangin gmn jadinya g ato elo ato nai" udah ga pernah saling ngomong ge ....

NB : jgn bilang g gila .. ^^ coz,g lakuin ini karena emank g ngerasa kehilangan u bangeddd ....
BFF ^^

See ya!